All the elements of instruction at Mundo Verde— project-based learning, language immersion, and teaching for sustainability —encourage students to develop the skills needed to thrive in the 21st century and be empathetic stewards of the world.

In Mundo Verde classrooms, students progress at their own pace and have open-ended opportunities to stretch themselves to their best ability in every academic subject. Our ability to differentiate instruction for students and provide small group learning experiences also allows teachers to meet the needs and learning styles of all learners.

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Each PK3/4 classroom has one lead teacher, a teaching fellow and an associate. The ratio in the PK3/4 classroom is 1 to 7. In Kinder and 1st grade classrooms the ratio is 1 to 11. In 2nd grade a teaching fellow may be shared by two classrooms. In 3rd, 4th and 5th grades students are leaders of their own learning. Thus, the implementation of structures that support student-ran classrooms, provide teachers with the flexibility to meet with individual students and small groups.

Additional teaching specialists (in reading, math, language learners, and special education) provide in-class support to our classroom teachers.

PK3/4 and Kinder students learn in Spanish as their primary teachers are Spanish speaking. Kindergarten students may spend a small portion of time with English-speaking teachers during certain specials. 1st to 4th grade students have two teams of teachers: one with Spanish-speaking teachers and one with English-speaking teachers. Students spend half of their time with each set of teachers, switching as a class between the teaching teams. 5th grade students experienced daily both languages.

Highlights of Our Team

Mundo Verde in WUSA9: DC school offers community garden education for students, neighbors
